13 Nov 2012

Sweets Do Not Taste Sweet Anymore !

When I was a kid, Mother used to make homemade delicacies. . Be it Diwali or Holi, 5 to 6 days prior used to be full of activity. .Whenever you get back from school, you will see aunts from neighborhood at home and they will all be busy preparing something or other. . Worst thing will be, you are not allowed to eat anything till the D-day and we siblings will play all sorts of tricks to steal a few. Once caught, divided we will fall quickly with mama's emotional blackmail and fear of god and let out who was the culprit, although it is totally a different thing that we ALL used to be equally responsible but we used to always find a scapegoat among us . . .

Now I see my kids, they get whatever sweets they wish to and we bring it home BUT . . It never finishes. . even when they are served and asked again and again, kids do not wish for the Indian Sweets we used to crave as a kid ! 

Asked my son who is 15 this. He told me point blank, "take me to a bakery, I will tell you  which cake and pastry to buy, I don't want these sweets"  

This really made me think, has the globalization made our Indian taste buds brittle or more adventurous ?? Or it is  just a lone case in my house ??

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